Analysing digital usage and academic performance: a case study with university students




Records of uses, Learning, Skills, Learning analytics, Grades and marks


INTRODUCTION: The study reports on the use made by a group of university students of digital technology during a face-to-face course by analysing the digital record they left in the virtual learning environments that were complementary to the course; it also reports on the grades and marks the students obtained in the formative and summative phases of the course assessment. The objective was to determine whether there is a positive relationship between the greater use digital platforms and higher grades and marks. METHOD: This quantitative study used non-experimental descriptive research to examine a population of economics undergraduates completing a course in advanced microeconomic analysis at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. RESULTS: The students' use of digital technology was traditional and showed polarity, meaning that it was characterised by different typologies and patterns of learning. Usage was also very much conditioned by the programming of formative assessment and was positively correlated with grades and marks. DISCUSSION: There is a need for more research on the relationship between digital usage and learning outcomes. This research will contribute to teacher reflection and reorient the teaching process, ultimately helping students who are lagging behind in digital usage to keep abreast of their learning and achieve better academic results.


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How to Cite

de la Iglesia Villasol, M. C. (2020). Analysing digital usage and academic performance: a case study with university students. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 13(2), 1–20.



Research Articles