Assessment and intervention of a child with articulatory difficulties and late phonological acquisition


  • Marc Farré Secall



Speech sound disorders in children, Phonological delay, Evaluation and intervention, Speech development


Speech sound disorders in using or producing phonemes of the language may become a sign of a phonological disorder when we detect the presence of simplification processes under the subject’s chronological developmental language stage, hindering as consequence the intelligibility of their speech, their communication and social development. In this sense, the aim of the study is to illustrate the evaluation and intervention process for a child with evidences of speech sound disorders and phonological delay, describing deeply its features, as well as the evaluation and the intervention focused on the improvement of his intelligibility, assessing the effectiveness of the process by the achievement of this main objective. For that purpose we present the case of a 38-months old child with no neurological disorders or motor or perceptual deficits, to carry out an evaluation of his functional, phonetic-phonological and discriminative skills, developing an intervention based on significant environment learning by the use of mixed strategies of stimulation, imitation and discrimination. 

Emphasizing the importance to stimulate the context, as well as the communication and the oral language, what came out as a result of this process is that the combined use of these strategies results in a linear increase of vocabulary knowledge; an increase in the percentage of correct use of focused phonemes; and an increase in the percentage of correct use of two syllable structures, which means overall an improvement of the phonetic and phonological abilities and, consequently, and effective improvement of patient’s intelligibility.    

Author Biography

Marc Farré Secall

Llicenciat en Comunicació Audiovisual, Postgrau en Trastorns de la Parla i del Llenguatge, i Màster en Dificultats de l'aprenentatge i trastorns del llenguatge.


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