Oral language and Culture on Linguistic diversity of toddlers
Early Childhood Education, Linguistic diversity, Guideline, Consensus, Narrative experiences, LegendAbstract
The objective of the research was to elaborate and apply a methodology which improves the acquisition and oral expression of a new language in groups of children from 8 months to 2-3 years, with linguistic diversity. The methodology is the result of the reflection and consensus among all the teachers who participated.
The selection and adaptation of the words, phrases, expressions… and the image illustration stem from the consensus among all the teachers, who according to their experience, could facilitate the oral language acquisition. We applied some guidelines: get to adjust to the linguistic diversity and the communicative competence of the students and develop an individual sense of linguistic responsibility. This means to have a good command of the story and pronounce each word properly and according to the phonic features. In this way, students could understand the significate of the words and enjoy by using new words.
The results obtained show that the teacher is the model of speech for children in the pre-linguistic stage, who must support and motivate them in the process of learning and acquiring a language. Throughout the research, we found that the narrative of a legend offers narrative experiences that motivate the interest of the children for the acquisition of a new language and the country’s culture.
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