Acoustic characterization of Spanish vowels spoken by the Chinese
Spanish vowels, Acoustic phonetics, Chinese speaker, Semi-spontaneous speechAbstract
In this article, we present the results of the investigation on the acoustic characterization of the Spanish vowels when Chinese speak Spanish, as interlanguage. The research aims at making an acoustic description of each vowel and checking if these descriptions differ between men and women, unstressed and stressed vowels, comparing our results with those of Spanish and interlanguage. The corpus is semi-spontaneous including 725 vowel sounds produced by 21 Chinese students. It has been proven that there are significant differences between the vowels produced by men and women, and that no difference between the stressed and unstressed vowels, neither in F1 nor in F2, with the exception of the F2 of the high front vowel, [i]. Comparing with the results of other authors, it has been found that the average F1 values of the five vowels in our research are higher, which indicates that they articulate with greater buccal opening and more constriction of the larynx. While, in F2, the means in the back vowels in our research are higher than those computed from controlled speech, that is, there is less labialization and less linguovelar constriction; the means of the front vowels are higher than those calculated from spontaneous speek, that evidence, there is less labialization and less linguo velar contriction.
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