Perception of the speech and the speech of children


  • Glòria Ester Subias



Spontaneous Speech, Perception, Production, Phonological Simplifying Processes, Communicative Competence


Not yet literate children in the 2 to 3 age range tend to produce a speech that is considered presents differentiating characteristics in reference to the adult model they listen to.

 Factors intervening in between children-teacher speech perception and production have been analyzed from a sample of 617 words, with the objective to unveil if phonological simplification processes established for this age range are the cause of the “mistakes” or on the contrary they are caused due to accommodation of the child during the reproduction of the model that they hear.

Children-teacher correlation analysis result demonstrates a high degree of matches in the production of both, because of this it was concluded that mistakes were not caused by deficient phonological development, due to the fact that children had adequate communicative and cognitive abilities, but rather to phonological simplification processes related to spontaneous speech characteristics.


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