The question intonation in the Spanish spoken by the Chinese
Intonation, Melodic analysis, Absolute interrogative, Spanish spoken by ChineseAbstract
This study aims to describe the intonation features of the absolute interrogative sentences of Spanish spoken by Chinese in spontaneous speech. The corpus includes 82 utterances obtained from five Chinese Spanish speakers. The research has been carried out following the Melodic Analysis of Speech (MAS) methodology. After the analysis of all the utterances, we found that only 16 utterances (19.5%) conformed to the /+interrogative/ sentence’s pattern of Spanish, while the majority, 80.5%, are characterized by presenting melodies typical of the suspense sentences and, to a lesser degree, declarative and emphatic ones. In addition, we also found that there was a significant difference between the Spanish spoken by people from the north and south in China who had attended the research, which need a further study to verify whether that is a common phenomenon.
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