Temporal parameters of voiceless stops in a speaker with broca's aphasia and apraxia of speech: a single case study
Stops, Acoustics, Aphasia, Broca, DurationAbstract
This study analyses several temporal parameters of voiceless stops [p, t, k] in the spontaneous speech of a speaker with Broca’s aphasia and apraxia of speech at three different moments of his language impairment. The main goal is to determine how damaged these sounds are in relation to their realisation without pathology, as well as to outline their evolution after twenty-two months of therapy. The variables studied have been the duration of the selected consonants, their closure duration and voice-onset time (VOT) duration. Statistical results reveal that temporal parameters show higher values than those found in speakers without language disorder, and that values tend to decrease with rehabilitation, especially for the bilabial realisation. Temporal variations depend upon place of articulation and voicing maintenance or weakening. Moreover, it was also found that the main improvements took place during spontaneous recovery, and that the bilabial realisation differs from the alveolar and velar ones in terms of acoustic characterization, since the former shows higher durational values, as well as more significant improvements.
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