Intonation and Pragmatics in Telephone Calls: Absolute Questions in the Dominican and Puerto Rican Varieties
Intonation, Pragmatics, Yes-no questions, Puerto Rico, Dominican RepublicAbstract
This research establishes the correlation between the prosodic form and pragmatic function of Caribbean, Dominican Republic and Puerto Rican absolute interrogative utterances collected from colloquial telephone conversations. The overall objective is to describe the intonation of absolute interrogative utterances of the Dominican and Puerto Rican varieties. A total of 53 utterances were taken from two 15-minute telephone conversation recordings, one Dominican and one Puerto Rican. These were then classified according to Gabriel’s (2018) categories of analysis, the acoustics were analysed using Praat (Boersma & Weenink, 1992-2022) and the Sp_ToBI labelling model (Prieto & Roseano, 2018) was used. The results show that the downward movement, H+L*L%, was in the majority for Dominican Republic and that the circumflex, L+H*L%, was more frequent in Puerto Rican, confirming the data described for other types of spoken samples (Armstrong, 2010; Willis, 2010). We conclude by pointing out the importance of intonational phonological studies for both varieties.
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