Spanish pronunciation teaching for Brazilians: a didactic-methodological proposal
Spanish L2, Didactics of pronunciation, Phonic learningAbstract
This article is part of the research titled: Phonic component awareness in teachers training of Brazilian teachers of Spanish as a second language, conducted by Brandão, (2022). Its objective was to stimulate the awareness of the phonetic component through the HablapuntoELE training course. In this work, the implementation and evaluation of the course carried out by the investigating professor and informant students, Brazilian Spanish learners, will be presented. This aims to demonstrate those didactic and methodological proposals for teaching pronunciation that achieved better results and, at the same time, those that hindered the phonetic learning of Spanish by Brazilians. The article's theoretical aspects are related to the field of contrastive phonetics in the perceptual and productive scope to address L1-L2 interphonology at a segmental level, mainly based on the works of Flege (1991, 1995). At the suprasegmental level, it is supported by the studies of Gil (2007), Cantero y Mateo (2013), Fonseca de Oliveira y Cantero (2011), Fonseca de Oliveira (2013) and Devís (2017). In its methodological aspect, it is conceived as an Action-Research that is based on the Latorre’s (2005) assumptions.
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