Transitional pragmaprosodic resources in directive speech acts in Antioquia, Colombia: an approach from gender
Prosodic features, Pragmatic resources, Intonation, Spanish spoken in ColombiaAbstract
In this study, we analyzed the prosodic and pragmatic resources used by the men and women of Antioquia (Colombia) to establish differences in the following directive speech acts: commands, requests for polite actions and pleas. The sample analyzed was formed from the speech of 32 participants, classified by sex, age, socioeconomic status and geographic location. These samples were obtained from a discourse completion task (Blum-Kulka, 1980) instrument. The prosodic analysis was carried out by measuring parameters such as declination, tonal range, and speech rate. The results suggest that the prosodic behaviors and the uses of the pragmatic resources differ according to the sex of the speaker. Men enunciate commands more directly and with less comforting resources, while the pleas are produced more imposingly and precisely, and requests for polite actions present prosody similar to commands. On the other hand, women produce commands with more comforting strategies, alleviate elements and justifications, pleas that include vowel lengthening, a wide tonal range and a proposal part in the sentence, and requests for actions that show prosodic patterns similar to pleas.
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