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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or else an explanation has been provided in “Comments to the editor”). Authors are committed to respect the ethical code of the journal.

  • The file sent is in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect format.

  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible. The access date is always included in the online references.

  • The text is single spaced throughout; the spacing before and after a paragraph is 0; the indentation in the first line of each paragraph is 1.25 (except at the beginning of a section, in citations and in footnotes); margins are respected (top: 6, bottom: 7.5, left: 5, right: 4.5, header: 5.25, footer: 5.25); the font is Lucida Bright 10 (LB 12 for the Title, LB 9 for the citations and LB 8 for the notes); italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); all illustrations, figures and tables are within the text (and within the margins) in their proper place and not at the end; the bibliography is always collected at the end of the article (regardless of the fact that there may be explanatory footnotes) and only consists of the works cited; the abstract in Spanish and English are included, as well as the keywords (with the initial in capital letters, and separated by semicolons).
  • The text meets the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Publication Guidelines, which can be found in the “About the Journal” section.


  • If you are submitting your work to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you must ensure that these instructions have been followed correctly: 1) omit the author's name at the beginning of the article; 2) substitute the name of the author in the bibliography for AUTHOR.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for submitting originals:

There are no fees or charges for manuscript processing and/or publishing materials in transfer.

Articles, reviews and translations that do not respect the Publishing Rules will be rejected without going to the "peer review" phase. The writing of the texts must fully follow, in addition to the journal's own Guidelines, the Criteria of the University of Barcelona (

Authors should submit their contributions through this platform by May 26th. of each year. These must be UNPUBLISHED, not to exceed 10,000 words (if it is an article or translation), and 3,000 words (if it is a review).

They may be written in one of the following languages: Spanish or English; occasionally in Catalan, Italian, French or Portuguese. They should always be accompanied by two brief abstracts of 300-500 words both in English and Spanish. They should also include the key words (maximum 5) in both languages (with initial capital letters and separated by semicolons), the "References" section (only with the works cited), and a brief bionote 100 words, including the contact details). ORCID is mandatory for all contributors (regardless of the section of the journal). Authors should indicate the sources of funding for their ressearch (if any) in a footnote at the beginning of their articles. 

The submission of translations and reviews is not subject to the requirements of anonymity. In that case, the summaries and key words are not necessary, but ORCID, af is still mandatory, as well as the affiliation and the email.

In the evaluation of received manuscripts, consideration will be given to following the journal's editing standards, as well as its originality, scientific rigor, and the quality of the writing of the same.

Authors will receive no later than October 1st. of each year an e-mail with  a motivated communication from the editorial staff about the editorial decision and acceptance of the submitted manuscripts, and will be urged to review the appropriate corrections (if necessary) and send the definitive version of the article within a maximum of 15 days. Said version will already include the name of the author, the ORCID, their affiliation and their email. There will be proofreading.

The journal admits projects of edition of special issues by external editors, who must present a structured and detailed proposal in order to facilitate its evaluation by the Editorial Board and the external evaluators. These may be submitted in Spanish, Catalan or English. These projects must be sent to before May 26th. of each year.



Contributions should be UNPUBLISHED, and must be submitted in Word.

At the beginning of the communication, the Title of the communication will be stated (Lucida Bright, size 12, in small caps and bold, justified to the left); two lines below, the author's full name (Lucida Bright, size 10, bold, left justified), followed by the ORCID in parentheses (Lucida Bright, size 9); on the next line the name of the institution or center to which the author belongs (Lucida Bright, size 10, in italics); on the next line the email.

All text (including quotes and notes) will be in Lucida Bright. In the case of not having this font, please indicate it and deliver the text in Times New Roman, with the same size.

The alignment will always be justified. The indentation at the beginning of the paragraph of 1.25 (except for notes or citations). The space before and inside between paragraphs is 0. Even and odd pages are the same. The page number is always at the bottom right.

The margins will be: top 6; bottom 7.5; left 5; right 4.5; header 5; footer 5.25; no space for binding.

The work WILL NOT EXCEED IN ANY CASE 20 PAGES, including notes and bibliography (abstracts and keywords are excluded).

If it is necessary to divide the body of the text into sections, the following example should be followed:

1. Introduction

2. Evolution of the concept

2.1. Background

2.2. State of affairs

2.2.1. Example I

2.2.2. Example II

3. Conclusions


The presentation language will be one of the following: Spanish or English. Exceptionally, the editorial board may consider publishing works in Catalan, Italian, French or Portuguese.

Bold will not be used in any case. Italics will only be used to refer to the title of a work, or to highlight words in another language.

The hyphen (–) will always be used for explanations in the text, and the em dash for dialogue (but NEVER the double double hyphen (--).

Brief quotes (less than 3 lines) will always go in the body of the text, between double quotation marks (“ ”). Single quotes (' ') will only be used if they appear inside double quotes.

Quotes longer than 3 lines will be between two line breaks, as a separate paragraph, in Lucida Bright 9, without quotation marks, preceded by a double indentation on the left side and justified on the right. In the case of not having this font, please submit the text in Times New Roman, with the same size. All citations must include the bibliographical reference (Author 2012: 23).

When words or phrases are omitted from the text, it should be indicated by means of three points between square brackets [...].

The author-date system will be followed for the citation. That is, the bibliographic references will always be placed in parentheses, after the citation, specifying the author, year of publication and page (Author 2000: 88), and will always appear in the final bibliography, arranged in alphabetical order (with French indentation) , with the full names and surnames of the authors.

The notes will always go at the bottom of the page, numbered consecutively. The footnote number will always be placed after the corresponding punctuation mark, if any. The font used for the footnotes will be Lucida Bright 8 (if this font is not available, please submit the text in Times New Roman, size 8), justified paragraph, single line spacing. The footnote will be used ONLY for clarifications to the main text.

The text will always be accompanied by the corresponding "Bibliographical References", placed at the end of the text, presented in alphabetical order. The date of last consultation will always be included in online references.

The "MLA Citation" system will be followed as much as possible. The following examples are suggested for citing the references. Kindly follow them before submitting:

  • Book:

BRIOSCHI, Franco. (2002). Critica della ragion poetica e altri saggi di letteratura e filosofia. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri (Nuova Cultura; 89).

GIAZOTTO, Remo & CLEMENTI, Muzio. (Eds.). (2002). Muzio Clementi: epistolario 1781-1831. Milano: Skira.

  • Book Chapter:

BELL, Ian A. (1995). “Introduction: the Politics of Place and Writing”. In: Bell, Ian A. (ed.). Peripherical Visions: Images of Nationhood in Contemporary British Fiction. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 1-5.

  • Article in a Journal:

ASHCROFT, W.D. (1987). “The function of criticism in a pluralistic world”. New Literature Review, 3(2): 67-85.



The essays must be unpublished, and respect the deadlines and editing guidelines of the journal.


The reviews follow the same criteria as the essays, in terms of delivery time and editing rules, but not in terms of the length, which should not exceed 5 pages. They must be unpublished.


The translations must be unpublished, respect the copyright, as well as the deadlines and the edition guidelines of the journal. They must be preceded by a brief presentation of the author / work. They must not exceed 15 pages.

Privacy Statement

Body responsible

Office of the General Secretary of the University of Barcelona


If you register as an author or reviewer, the objective will be to organize the completion of the different functions associated with the journal to which you register. If you register as a reader, the objective will be to send you information about the journal to which you register.

Legitimate basis

Consent of the interested party

Target audience

The University and those responsible for the processing, if applicable. The transfer of data to third parties is not covered, except when there is a legal obligation.


Right of access, right to rectification, right to erasure of your data, right to request data portability and restriction of processing.

Additional information

For further information, please visit this link: