Philosophy; Translation; History.Abstract
In the first part of this work, a series of theoretical considerations on the philosophy of translation and the translation of philosophy are presented. Although the practice of translation involves asking questions that have a philosophical dimension, philosophers have not been so concerned with developing a philosophy of translation as with resorting to translation to answer questions related to a philosophy of language. On the other hand, traditionally, an essentialist vision of Platonic inspiration prevailed, which considers the linguistic form and the content as independent, in such a way that language would be the instrument capable of formalizing a stable meaning, which could be transported interlinguistically through the impersonal intervention of an individual agent, something that has been refuted by poststructuralist theorists. In relation to the translation of philosophical texts, the debate has often revolved around the question of untranslatability, mainly of philosophical terms. In the second part of the work, a critical reading of the volume Routledge Handbook of Translation and Philosophy (2019) is carried out, analyzing in detail its four parts, dedicated, res-pectively, to specific studies on various canonical philosophers who have been interested in translation (what we could understand as a form of philosophical inquiry, which uses translation as a metaphor or case study); some core issues in Studies on Translation and Interpretation from a philosophical perspective (what can be understood as a philosophy of translation); specific studies on how philosophical texts have been or can be translated and, finally, some emerging aspects of interest in addressing the general question of the relationship between translation and philosophy. In the third part of the article, the main works that have been devoted to studying the philosophy of translation in Spain are reviewed and a succinct overview of the translation of philosophy in Spain is presented.
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