
  • Victoriano Peña Universidad de Granada



Orlando Furioso, Vázquez de Contreras, literary censorship


The prose version of Orlando Furioso created in 1585 by Diego Vázquez de Contreras was the last of the translations made in the 16th century of the famous Ariostan poem after the more successful one by Jerónimo de Urrea (1549) and the practically forgotten one by Hernando Alcocer (1550), both in verse.  In keeping with the ideological shift at the end of the century under  strict control of the censors of the Council of Castile, the Toledan translator severly expurgated the Italian poem in order not only to impose the religious orthodoxy of the Counter-Reformation on the Furioso, but very especially to safeguard the honor of the military exploits of the Hispanic monarchy.  The severity of the excising with the elimination of many octaves and entire episodes surpassed the previous censorship imposed by the indexes of Spanish prohibited books of the 17th century [Sandoval (1612), Zapata (1632) and Sotomayor (1640)], which center exclusively on the Italian original and in Urrea's translation, thus placing Vázquez de Contreras's version as a prolegomenon of the combative intolerance displayed by both the local Italian censors and the Portuguese expurgatory indices of Almeida (1581) and Mascarenhas (1624).


ALMEIDA, Jorge de (1581). Index librorum prohibitorum: cum regulis per Patres à Tridentina Synodo delectos, autoritate Sancrissimi dimini nostri PiJ III Pont Max comprobatus nunc recens de mandato… Olysippone excudebat Antonius Riberius. ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1549). Orlando furioso dirigido ao Principe Don Philipe, nuestro Señor. Tradusido en romance castellano por don Ieronimo de Urrea. Amberes en casa de Martin Nucio.

ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1550). Orlando furioso de Ludivico Ariosto nueuamente traduzido de beruo ad berbum de vulgar toscano en el nuestro castellano por Hernando Alcoçer; con vna moral exposicion en cada canto y una breue declaracion en prosa. Toledo en casa de Iuan Ferrer.

ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1556). Orlando furioso di m. Lodouico Ariosto, tutto ricorretto, et di nuoue figure adornato. Con le annotationi ... di Girolamo Ruscelli. Venecia: Valgrisi.

ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1585). Orlando furioso, nueuamente traduzido en prosa castellana por Diego Vazquez de Contreras. Madrid en casa de Francisco Sánchez.

ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1990). Orlando furioso (Ed. de C. Segre). Milán: Mondadori.

ARIOSTO, Ludovico (1990). Orlando furioso. Ed. bilingüe de C. Segre y M.N. Muñiz. Tomo II. Madrid: Cátedra.

CHEVALIER, Maxime (1966). L’Arioste en Espagne (1530–1650). Recherches sur l’influence du «Roland furieux», Burdeos, Université de Bordeaux–Institut d’Études Ibériques et Ibéro–Américaines.

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MORREALE, Margherita (1977). “Appunti per uno studio sulle traduzioni spagnole dell’Orlando furioso nel Cinquecento”, en VV. AA., Le prime traduzioni dell’Ariosto, Padua, Antenore, 33–72.

PARDUCCI, Amos (1935). “Note sulle traduzioni spagnole dell’Orlando Furioso”, Annali della R. Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, serie II, vol. IV, 3 y 4, pp. 243-254, 313-325.

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VIRGILIO (2016). Eneida. Edición de José Carlos Fernández Corte. Traducción de Aurelio Espinosa Pólit. Madrid: Cátedra.

