
  • Elia Suñé Arilla Universidad de Alcalá




terminología jurídica; lenguaje jurídico europeo; traducción jurídica; derecho de extranjería.


Migration law constitutes a complex study subject, due to the stratification of legal systems, especially in countries such as Spain, in which international and national law coexist with European Union supranational law. The EU legal system emerges as a response to the quest for a common area of justice that brings all Member States together. From the viewpoint of translation, this involves a series of complexities when first approaching the field of specialization.

The aim of the study is to identify terms relating to migration law that derive from European law, in order to analyse their introduction into the Spanish law through translation, and their extralinguistic dimension. The extralinguistic analysis will target different aspects relating to European legal culture and ideology. Based on a corpus of Spanish and EU legislation in the field of migration, we conducted a linguistic and conceptual analysis of EU terminology extracted from the corpus. We selected a set of terms relating to the entry into and exit from the EU, to economic migration, and to family migration that were subsequently analysed. The linguistic analysis confirms some of the characteristics of the EU legal language that are identified in previous literature, such as the use of terms that are exclusive to the EU law (Modiano 2017:322), the use of generic terms with certain nuances brought by EU law (Samaniego Fernández, s.f.:99), or the use of terms deriving from international law with certain nuances brought by EU law. With the conceptual analysis, we identify the supranational EU system as one of the law systems interacting and exchanging concepts and terminology, and shaping national law systems. Alongside this, the extraction of extralinguistic information allows for the construction of specialised knowledge in specific fields, and for the identification of aspects relating to European legal culture. Moreover, it allows us to link the EU legal system to certain trends observed in migration policies all over the world. Studies with a similar approach may be conducted in order to study issues such as the influence that EU legal language and culture exert on national legal languages and cultures. A similar approach may be applied to studies aimed at corroborating or refuting the characteristics of EU legal language that have been identified in previous literature, but still need to be confirmed. Our study proved the usefulness of a conceptual approach in terminological studies aimed at analysing how conceptual systems in specialised fields work, and how language and culture interact (Bajčić, 2018).


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