Adequacy of religious heritage buildings. A strategy for improving accessibility in the Historic Center of Puebla Mexico


  • Adriana Hernández Sánchez Facultad de Arquitectura de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Re-Genera Espacio
  • Christian Enrique De la Torre Sánchez Facultad de Arquitectura de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Re-Genera Espacio



Accessibility, historical centers, heritage, mobility, accessible route.


In Mexico, there are few successful examples of improving accessibility conditions in historic centers. The relationship between daily activities, the recognition of human diversity and the conservation of heritage has not been conceptualized. It has not been understood that accessibility is a human right, above the aesthetics and prioritization of the monument, since there are old buildings that retain their original uses and daily affluence such as Catholic temples, which are also considered cultural sites and containers of heritage, art (movable property) and social practices with tourist attraction.

In Puebla, there is the experience of a participatory and inclusive accessibility project where five heritage buildings were involved. They are historical temples that form an itinerary due to their proximity and importance in the original area of the ancient city. In the first section, there is Santa Monica, considered a sanctuary that receives thousands of faithful every week, the former convent of Santo Domingo, where the Rosario chapel is located, and the city’s Cathedral Basilica, connected by the pedestrian street more important of the city, “La 5 de mayo”. Towards the south, completing the route, San Juan de Letrán, “El Hospitalito” and La Soledad are located, with the Amparo Museum near of them. All temples are ancient, dating from the 16th to 19th centuries.

During 2015 and 2016, through joint work between local authorities, universities and civil associations, in addition to the financial support of a local municipal entity and another international entity from the Chilean government, various elements were put in place to improve accessibility, like metalic ramps reversibles, and there were intervened pavements in atriums and accesses. Even in 2020, it is a project of territorial scope for the benefit of all, not only for people with reduced mobility, which allows autonomous and easy-to-use travel, even for those people who need to be assisted by another person, since the percentages of slopes on the ramps range between six and ten percent.

The methodology developed to the work was through the incorporation of an interdisciplinary team, Re Genera Espacio, which promoted the importance of reconverting these heritage buildings into accessible spaces, an action promoted before the custodians of the five temples, as well as establishing a diagnostic analysis of each case and develop the project, in addition to supervising the work in order to realize with local and international regulations and recommendations.

The project was well received by the custodians, after a long process of work, as well as by the rest of the population, which is reflected in a considerable increase in people with disabilities who come to the temples, whether they are parishioners or tourists, and other people with reduced mobility who make use of open spaces, such as atriums and streets. We emphasize that more interventions are required in other spaces considered less important. This is a first step towards more accessible cities, in this case a historic area, which requires urgent interventions to create accessibility networks. This work gave guidelines to other projects that have been developed by the team, not only with motor disabilities, but also with people with blindness and visual weakness.

Author Biographies

Adriana Hernández Sánchez, Facultad de Arquitectura de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Re-Genera Espacio

Research Professor BUAP Faculty of Architecture. Architect, Master in Architectural Design UNAM, Doctor of Public Space and Urban Regeneration and Conservation of the University of Barcelona Heritage. Associate Researcher "Public Art and Urban Design Observatory" (PAUDO) UB. Member of ICOMOS Mexicano. Among his latest publications are: "Social Urban Programs and Initiatives Participatory Strategies to Make Cities" and "Red Light District San Antonio". Public Space Research Line, Citizen Participation and Historic Center. Coordinator of Re-Genera  Space

Christian Enrique De la Torre Sánchez, Facultad de Arquitectura de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Re-Genera Espacio

PhD Student in Territorial Processes FABUAP, CONACYT Fellow 2016-2020. Architect and Master in Conservation of the Built Heritage. His master's thesis is entitled "Architecture with heritage value for all. Case Cathedral Basilica of the city of Puebla". He has carried out projects and interventions of accessibility and social inclusion in historic centers. Coordinator of heritage projects of Re-Genera Espacio, member of the Design for All Foundation.


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How to Cite

Hernández Sánchez, Adriana, and Christian Enrique De la Torre Sánchez. 2020. “Adequacy of Religious Heritage Buildings. A Strategy for Improving Accessibility in the Historic Center of Puebla Mexico”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 62 (7):3-38.