Online ISSN: 1697-5928

About the Journal

Language, Society & Communication (# (LSC) is an annually-published electronic journal that aims to raise awareness of current work around language, communication and society. The journal’s central purpose is to publish issues that connect language, society and communication, and to make this interdisciplinary view available to the scientific community and society at large.

To date, Language, Society & Communication has published seventeen issues focused on topics such as linguistic models in Catalonia, the Spanish Constitution, rhetoric and persuasion, the European Union and linguistic diversity, the acquisition of an L2, organisations, minority languages, tech, immigration, forensic linguistics, medicine, complexity, social history, brain, demolinguistics, sign languages, the initial stages of L1 learning, challenges for specialised communication, music, mediation and performing arts. 

At present, the journal is published annually. Since the journal’s inception, each issue has also contained a dossier of recent media articles related to the issue’s central topic, as well as web links for further information on the subject matter covered in the issue. Additionally, each paper is accompanied by abstracts in Catalan, Spanish and English. Over time, LSC has also incorporated a section with interviews of renowned researchers who study the issue’s main area of focus. 

Beyond this, the advisory committee of Language, Society & Communication has expanded and become more international over the years, a tendency that is also true for the databases in which the journal is included. LSC’s editorial process has been updated and digitalised; since 2012, it has used the OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform. The publication of this journal has been made possible thanks to the editors and authors that have collaborated selflessly and with maximal efficiency and professionalism, as well as the editorial team (Editorial Assistant, Associate Editors, Advisory Committee, Proofreader and Technical support). Economic support from the office of the Vice-Rector for Projection and Internationalisation of the Universitat de Barcelona and technical support from CUSC (Centre Universitari de Sociolingüística i Comunicació) and CRAI (Centre de Recursos per a l’Aprenentatge i la Investigació) of the Universitat de Barcelona have additionally been essential. Finally, the journal’s continued publication is also possible thanks to its much-appreciated readership.

In December 2024, LSC will publish its 22th issue and will celebrate its 20th anniversary. This issue is focused on the performing arts and presents several updated perspectives on the performing arts, all from a multifaceted view. To celebrate the journal’s 20th birthday, this issue includes two interviews carried out by the editor of the issue, Gemma Reguant Fosas, on performing arts: one of Oriol Genís (actor), focused on his stage experience and his theatrical ideology, and one of Josep Maria Miró (playwright and stage director), focused on his wisdom about theatre. Both can be viewed on video in Catalan.

Language, Society & Communication continues to draw reader interest and adapt to the new synergies and challenges that society, language and communication pose.

Josefina Carrera-Sabaté. Universitat de Barcelona, december 2024 


Current Issue

Issue 22 - Performing arts, communication and society
					View Issue 22 - Performing arts, communication and society

Issue 22 of Llengua, Societat i Comunicació focuses on the performing arts and the relationship between the different specialities of the performing arts and society.

Published: 2024-12-30
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