Online ISSN: 1886-5887

About the Journal

20 years of Revista de Bioética y DerechoRevista de Bioética y Derecho is an open access journal of the University of Barcelona published by the Observatory of Bioethics and Law (OBD). The journal was created in 2004 at the initiative of OBD with the support of the Master in Bioethics and Law of the University of Barcelona, and the UNESCO Chair on Bioethics of the same university.

Since 2023, Revista de Bioética y Derecho holds the FECYT quality seal and mention to good practices in gender equality, seal that highlights Spanish scientific publications that meet internationally recognized professional criteria. Our journal has also been recognized by the Universidad de Barcelona for the quality of its scientific publications since 2012.

Current Issue

2025: Núm. 63 - mar
					View 2025: Núm. 63 - mar
Published: 2025-02-17

Full Issue


Animal Bioethics

Bioethics in the Courts

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