Alternative pedagogies and classroom practices in early childhood education: the voice of the teachers
Alternative pedagogies, Teaching practices, Teachers, Pre-school, Qualitative researchAbstract
INTRODUCTION. The aim of this paper is to examine the classroom practices carried out by 35 early childhood teachers in the region of Castellon (Spain) who apply alternative pedagogies. The focus will be: 1) How do these early childhood teachers work in the classroom? How do they describe the use of the space, the time, the means, the grouping structures, the curricular content, the methodology and the evaluation? 2) Why do they do things in this way? What are their believes, attitudes, values, perceptions, and experiences? What roles do the children and adults play in these alternative pedagogies? METHOD. This descriptive study applies a qualitative methodology. The information was collected through 35 semi-structured interviews and analyzed with the ATLAS.ti tool. RESULTS. The results reflect the views of the early childhood teachers who explain how they apply these alternative pedagogies in the classroom. CONCLUSION. The conclusions show how the teachers apply alternative pedagogies in the classroom. These practives entail a change of attitude towards the child in the process of establishing the kind of school that the teachers want.References
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