Implementation of a mobile APP to promote the achievement of learning outcomes in a Pharmacology course
learning, educational innovation, educational technology, computer application, pharmacy, pharmacologyAbstract
INTRODUCTION. In view of their multiple benefits, university teaching is oriented towards the use of mobile applications with a pedagogical dimension. The objectives of this study are to analyze their use and to identify the factors that mediate the experience and help to achieve the learning results through the use of technologies.
METHOD. A concurrent research design was used, in which quantitative and qualitative data are collected separately. At the end of the process using both methods, independent inferences are made from the results.
RESULTS. The design and use of a mobile application favoured the learning and understanding of complex contents in the field of Pharmacology. The mediating factors were the user-friendliness of the mobile device, the teaching sequence used, the pedagogical dimension in the use of the app and the ease of its introduction inside the syllabus.
DISCUSSION. A mobile app, functional and simple to use and understand, proved useful for promoting the learning of complex contents in Pharmacology. However, several aspects could be improved, especially in the area of its introduction inside the syllabus.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Romina-Valeria Gómez-López, Leonor Díaz-Velis, Andrea Ortega-Mardones, Nicolás Heredia-Barraza
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