The value of the printing in the Scholar Group Lluís Vives: A tool at the service of education during the II Republic and at the recovery of pedagogic memory


  • Eva Figueras-Ferrer Universitat de Barcelona



Scholar groups, Freinet, Scholar printing, II Republic, New School, School magazine.


The magazines, newspapers, etchings and other prints that the Scholar Groups of the School Board produced are a direct testimony of those boys and girls who lived an educational revolution in a really short time, because the war overshadowed this particular education project. Concretely, we are going to analyze two documentary sources of the Lluis Vives’ Scholar Group: on the one hand, the first and only publication of the Vives’ magazine, published on May 1936 and, on the other hand, the lino engravings folder entitled Llibre de la natura. Both publications allow us to imagine which were the learning methods and which values they encouraged. Definitely, they are a diary that allows us to ratify the ideals of the Scholar Groups of the School Board along the II Republic.


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How to Cite

Figueras-Ferrer, E. (2014). The value of the printing in the Scholar Group Lluís Vives: A tool at the service of education during the II Republic and at the recovery of pedagogic memory. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 8(1), 50–66.



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