Learning together the active listening technique: verbal communication and nonverbal communication between counsellor and student


  • Josefina Santibáñez-Velilla Universidad de La Rioja




Counselling, Teacher training, Verbal communication and nonverbal communication


The aim of this work is to analyse the expression of a counsellor’s assertive and non-assertive attitudes towards a student by observing his/her verbal communication and nonverbal communication during an interview, and by analysing the student’s reaction to these attitudes perceived by the student’s verbal and nonverbal communication. The categories used for the counsellor analysis are: to structure, to reach an agreement, to transmit information and/or give opinions, and to listen actively. The categories employed to analyse the student’s reaction are: to evade the problem, to provide information, to express conflicts, to make commitments and to propose solutions. In this qualitative research data are obtained applying the content analysis technique to 124 «Individual Reports» written by students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education and to 18 «Discussion Group Reports» formed by the same students during the academic years 2009-2010 and 2012-2013. We conclude that it is necessary to train teachers in body language, facial and intonation expression, because a considerable percentage of these Bachelor’s Degree in Education students scarcely back up their perceptions of the counsellor and student’s assertive and non-assertive attitudes with non-verbal and paralanguage observations.


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How to Cite

Santibáñez-Velilla, J. (2015). Learning together the active listening technique: verbal communication and nonverbal communication between counsellor and student. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 8(2), 171–195. https://doi.org/10.1344/reire2015.8.28213



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