The landing of Columbus at San Salvador: An analysis of the written narratives of 10- to 11 year-old students in terms of their use of historical perspective




Didactics, History, Primary education, Narratives, Historical thinking


INTRODUCTION. This study analyses the narratives produced in a written exercise completed by students in their fifth year of primary education in four schools in the Region of Murcia, Spain. The narratives were analysed in terms of their historical perspective. METHOD. The students were asked to write an entry in a diary describing the day Columbus landed at San Salvador. They were asked to put themselves in the position of the islanders and describe the subsequent events from these people’s point of view. To do this, they were provided with some guidelines to organize the writing and some historical sources. RESULTS. The 98 narratives not only reveal the students’ low level of knowledge concerning the event in question and their dependence upon a traditional master narrative, but also allowed us to analyse their capacity to use an emerging historical perspective in their writings. DISCUSSION. The fact that the students did go some way towards using a historical perspective in their writing suggests that the development of such skills through different strategies in a formal education context could help to strengthen such students’ ability to think historically.

Author Biography

Laura Arias-Ferrer, Universidad de Murcia

Profesora Contratada Doctora Área de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales


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How to Cite

Calderón-López, P., & Arias-Ferrer, L. (2017). The landing of Columbus at San Salvador: An analysis of the written narratives of 10- to 11 year-old students in terms of their use of historical perspective. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 10(2), 34–51.



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