Shared learning environments in the process of the Second Round project
Doctoral thesis, Pedagogical relationship, Education, Art, Case studyAbstract
INTRODUCTION. The relationship between students and their tutors during the process of completing a doctoral thesis is usually oriented to support the work of their research group. However, particular circumstances sometimes alter this relationship, offering student and tutor common ground in which to share experiences through dialogue. Under these circumstances, the trust between both participants is renewed at each step of their relationship. METHOD. We present our own case as tutor and student, since the subject of the doctoral thesis under study (the Second Round project) is precisely that of educational innovation experienced first-hand. RESULTS. For the most creative part of the study we use a cinematographic simile in the form of the French director Bertrand Tavernier’s Death Watch (La Mort en direct), which contains elements that proved to be very useful to explain our subject. DISCUSSION. We consider how effective it is to personally experience the process of writing a doctoral thesis. In this way, the thesis becomes a true process of artography.References
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