Using questionnaires in research on universities: analysis of experiences from a situated perspective




University, Research, Methodology, Questionnaires, Comparative studies


INTRODUCTION. This paper addresses the use of questionnaires in research on universities from a critical and methodological perspective. METHOD. After a discussion of the main concepts from the literature, four studies that used questionnaires are presented: a) international research, b) a quasi-experimental study, c) a study of a sensitive topic, and d) a study based on an online questionnaire. The studies are analyzed in relation to the methodological approach, the aims of the instrument in each case, the digital or printed format of the questionnaire, and the advantages, limitations and difficulties encountered in the research task. RESULTS and DISCUSSION. The main conclusions refer to the ambiguity of concepts and methodological approaches, the importance of interpreting data in the production context, the collaboration of respondents and bias in survey construction and data analysis.

Author Biographies

Ana Borgobello, National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Assistant researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research in the Rosario Institute of Research in Educational Sciences. She holds a PhD in Psychology from the National Louis University. She works as a lecturer in research methodology at the Psychology Faculty of the National University of Rosario.

Mª Paula Pierella, National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Assistant researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research in the Rosario Institute of Research in Educational Sciences. She holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires. She works as a lecturer in socio-education at the Educational Sciences School, Faculty of Humanities and Arts, National University of Rosario.

María-Isabel Pozzo, National Scientific and Technical Research Council

Assistant researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research in the Rosario Institute of Research in Educational Sciences. She holds a PhD in Psychology from the National Louis University. She works as a lecturer in research methodology at the Psychology Faculty of the National University of Rosario.


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How to Cite

Borgobello, A., Pierella, M. P., & Pozzo, M.-I. (2019). Using questionnaires in research on universities: analysis of experiences from a situated perspective. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 12(2), 1–16.



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