An experience of virtual materials use in the presencials subjects: the case of Applied Mathematics in the company
Mathematics applied to business, Networked materials, Cooperative learning in the classroomAbstract
This paper refers to the subject of business mathematics, main annual subject of the first course in management sciences The group of teachers who give this subject use the possibilities that 'Autònoma Interactiva's virtual campus offers, to publish diverse types of materials and to allow the students to be able to follow-up of the subject. Since a few years ago, we have accumulated educational material for the students and a certain experience relative to the use of this material. We emphasize that the use of the mathematical language, difficulty an "easy" interchange of information using the web. This is one of the reasons for the students, to consider themselves as simply addressees of the material, and this causes an evident mistake of feedback, what we have tried to relieve in the classroom. The communication tries to be a reflection on the realized process and, especially, about the evolution followed in the import of the subject, as well as in the evolution that the students have done about the use of this material As result of these reflections, we want to indicate some of the utilities that we have seen about this type of materials and practices with a view to the implementation of the ECTSReferences
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Copyright (c) 2009 Gloria Estapé

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