Variables that predict academic achievement in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA): thinking styles, academic goals, grade point average and study hours




EEA, Thinking styles, Academic goals, Study hours, Degree entrance note


This work has focused on knowing how first-year university students fit in with the EHEA learning requirements regarding to thinking styles, academic goals, grade point average and study hours. For this aim the present study works with a sample of 559 first-year students from eleven degrees of the University of Oviedo, 190 men (34 %) and 369 women (66 %). The Thinking Styles Questionnaire for Students (TSQS), the Academic Goals Assessment Questionnaire (CEMA-II) and an academic and personal data questionnaire have been used for this research. The results from the analysis suggest that the first-year university students are directed to learning goals. Furthermore, they prefer thinking styles related to autonomous and creative task resolution regardless of the grade they be enrolled.


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