Biochemistry’s knowledge reinforcement by using simple letters’ or words’ games




Biochemistry learning, High education, Self-learning, Gamification, Science language


Introduction and problem: Games are highly appreciated by general population, so we decided to search several games in order to use them to reinforce the knowledge in biochemistry of students from the Chemistry Degree of the University of Barcelona. The puzzle book games are based on two possibilities: numbers and letters. Among the letters’ games the most frequent are crossword, self-defined crosswords, crossword puzzles and word search puzzles. Methodology: To reinforce students’ knowledge in Biochemistry, we performed a search for word games based in those used in language grammar learning, to then adapt them to the nomenclature and structure of biomolecules in Biochemistry. Following a behaviorist approach, we applied the model of Dick and Carey. Results and discussion: The simplest word games are based on searching in a set of words, those that have some common part. In this sense, we implemented rhyming games, in which the words ended in –ine (a frequent ending of amino acids, nitrogenous bases, nucleosides and some proteins), in –ose (a frequent ending of carbohydrates), or ended in –ic / –ate (frequent ending of fatty acids and other acids intermediate of the metabolism, or their corresponding salts). Thus, students were able to observe these characteristics in the nomenclature. On the other hand, we also implemented incomplete words’ games that are based on completing the names of the metabolites using groups of letters. Games were classified into 4 groups and some examples of them are presented. Regarding difficulty, domino games are the most difficult to solve since they require knowing both the nomenclature and structure of biomolecules. Conclusions: Our proposal includes several word games that allow the reinforcement of the knowledge in the subject of Biochemistry.


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