Comparative analysis between professors and students regarding the use of MOODLE in Higher Education in times of pandemic
Moodle, TAM, Higher educationAbstract
Higher education in times of COVID 19 pandemic caused a drastic change in the educational process replacing the face-to-face modality to a totally virtual environment (eLearning) with synchronous and asynchronous sessions where telematics gave rise to a virtual connection environment between the educational actors. From this perspective it is important to identify the acceptance and use of the MOODLE LMS in the teaching-learning process by contrasting the different hypotheses put forward in terms of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in teachers and students. The methodology applied was quantitative with an experimental research design, of a quasi-experimental descriptive correlational-causal descriptive field, with cross-sectional data collection. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results in both teachers and students are significant, exceeding the average in the self-evaluation in terms of the acceptance and use of MOODLE in the teaching-learning process through the TAM in a unidimensional way. When analysing and contrasting the different hypotheses raised, it can be mentioned that the results are conclusive in determining that the external variable technological competence correlates with the usefulness, ease and enjoyment of use perceived by teachers, which also have a positive and significant influence on the attitude and intention to use MOODLE. Similar results are obtained for the students with the difference that the technological competence variable does not correlate with the perceived enjoyment dimension, which also does not influence the attitude and intention to use MOODLE. Finally, also in the gender variable, there are no significant differences in the dimensions usefulness, ease and perceived enjoyment of use, which does not influence the adoption and use of technology in either teachers or students.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Byron Hidalgo-Cajo, Iván Hidalgo-Cajo, Angel Mayacela-Alulema, Diego Hidalgo-Cajo, Luis Satán-Gunza

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