Development of teaching skills for the management of large groups: an experience of innovation in didactics of musical expression
Music Education, Large Group, Experiential Learning, Focus GroupAbstract
This article explores the development of teaching skills for the effective management of large groups in the context of Music Education, through an innovative experience implemented at the Faculty of Education of the University of León. The research focuses on the creation, organisation and teaching of a percussion piece with non-conventional instruments, involving 128 students from the 2nd and 4th year of the Primary Education degree. The pedagogical approach is based on constructivist, socio-constructivist pedagogy and experiential learning, promoting an active role of the students in their learning process and encouraging the development of social, emotional and creative competences. Through a focus group and participant observation, data were collected to analyse the effectiveness of the strategies implemented and the challenges faced by 4th year students in managing large groups. The results highlight the importance of practical training in cross-curricular aspects such as large group management and suggest the need for further exploration and evaluation of innovative pedagogical strategies in this area. It contributes to the existing body of knowledge on large group management in education, providing strategies and reflective practices for future teachers.
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