About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Journal publishes essays on Translation and International Studies, book reviews on the same field, as well as translations, and news of interest to researchers and scholars in this field. It only accepts submissions of unpublished originals in Spanish and English (occasionally also in Catalan, Italian, French and Portuguese). It is conceived as a forum for scientific discussionand debate, and as an international platform for the dissemination of research on translation, literary reception, interculturality, cultural mediation and intercultural relations.
It offers different sections:
1) essays on translation and intercultural studies,
2) book reviews on the same topic,
3) unpublished translations, and
4) news of interest for researchers in these fields.
Peer Review Process
transfer publishes only unpublished original works. It is a double blind peer-reviewed open access journal, with reviewers (who may be external to the journal and/or the University of Barcelona, or members of the editorial board, but in no case will they be suggested by the author). Each article will be reviewed anonymously at least by two fully accredited researchers, after initial screening by editorial team. Works that do not comply with the "Author's Guidelines" established by the journal and published on this web site, and the Criteria of the University of Barcelona (https://www.ub.edu/cub/criteris.php), will be returned to their authors. The articles that comply with these Guidelines will be subjected to a double evaluation process: at first, the Editorial Committee of the journal will make a selection of the works received, assessing whether they meet the requirements for quality academic publications. And secondly, the articles that have passed the first selection will be submitted to anonymous peer review by two experts in the corresponding area of knowledge.
The process that the jopurnal follows for selecting the articles is as follows:
1) initial screening by the editorial team based on adaptation to the Editing Guidelines and the Criteria of the University of Barcelona, and assignment of an editor;
2) assignment of the two evaluators by the designated editor;
3) assignment, by the editor, in agreement with the editorial team, of a third or fourth evaluator based on the review reports received;
4) sending, by the editorial team, of the review reports to the authors to correct errors;
5) review of the corrected texts by the editor;
6) sending to the authors of the communication of acceptance of the article / rejection of the article, by the Editor-in-chief of the journal, and transfer of the article to the editing phase;
7) double review of the accepted texts by the designated editorial team members, and internal discussion;
8) sending to the authors of the corrected texts with the proposals resulting from the discussions carried out, for the final author review;
9) layout of the texts and sending them to the production phase.
In order to maintain anonymity, authors are advised to avoid citing themselves in the first person.
In the case of contradictory reports, the Editorial Committee will request a third report and will subsequently make a decision on the publication of the article. The decision of the Editorial Committee will be unappealable.
Authors will receive communication about the acceptance and/or rejection of their article, review or translation submitted. Said communication will be reasoned in the event that their proposal is rejected.
The Reviews and Translations sections are not subject to peer review.
The journal has a Scientific Committee whose function is to notify the Editorial Committee and ensure the fulfillment of the scientific quality of the journal. It also has an Arbitration Evaluation Committee, composed of members of the Editorial Committee, appointed for each occasion.
Authors are reminded that they cannot submit their article to another journal until the result of the evaluation is known.
Publication Frequency
The journal is only published once it is fully edited. Since 2011 it appears once a year, usually in January, when the editorial process is already completed.
It has been published continuously since May 2006. The journal strictly complies with the stated schedule and frequency on its website. The volumes are annual, in line with other publications in this field. Each volume consists of two issues (1-2), which may be published simultaneously or separately (that is when Special Issues are scheduled, in addition to a miscellaneous issue resulting of an open call for papers). The Special Issues have guest editors, and group contributions around a specific topic, or correspond to the edition of the proceedings of a specific conference. The topic and schedule of the Special Issues are properly announced in the "Notice" section of the journal.
The authors will receive notification of the acceptance of their proposals no later than November 1st of each year.
The deadline for the initial review by the editors is 15 days.
The deadline for peer review is 30 days maximum. Holiday periods are considered non-working for this calculation.
Works with two positive reports will be sent to their authors so that they can make any corrections suggested by the evaluators. The authors have a maximum period of one month to return the articles, which will only be published when they are received fully corrected.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate free access to its content under the principle of making research freely available to the public, which fosters a greater exchange of global knowledge.
There are neither paper submission nor paper processing charges or fees in transfer.
ISSN and Indexing
The journal has an eISSN (ISSN: 1886-5542). It is recognized as an electronic scientific journal of the University of Barcelona, and is indexed in several specialized national and international databases (SCOPUS, Sumaris CBUC, Carhus +, RESH, DICE, Dialnet, ERIH +, RACO, ISOC - Directory of "Magazines of Social Sciences and Humanities” -, LATINDEX, MIAR, DOAJ -Directory of Open Access Journals-, MLA Bibliography, ANVUR (Cineca journal code: E247080), etc.. It is currently being evaluated by other international databases. See the Indexation page of the journal for more information.
Internal organization of the journal
The Editorial Board is composed of a director, a secretary and three members. Decisions are taken collegially, by a majority of the members of the Editorial Board. The minimum quorum is three members. Vote by mail or delegate is allowed.
The position of director will be valid for 4 years, renewable. The director shall be chosen from the members of the editorial board. For a member or secretary to be appointed director, it will be necessary for him/her to be in a position to guarantee the financing of the journal and its continuity.
The Editorial Board shall appoint the secretary for a term of four years, renewable.
The Director will be in charge of representing the journal, for correspondence with authors and reviewers, and for convening meetings of the Editorial Board and establishing its order of the day. The secretary shall prepare the minutes of the meetings of the editorial board and assist the director in the relations and correspondence with the authors, the evaluators, and the other publications and institutions. Both can delegate their tasks, if necessary.
The Editorial Board has full autonomy for making its editorial decisions, including planning, publication of an original or rejection, appointment of its members and the internal operation of the journal.
The Editorial Board will appoint an external Evaluation Committee of at least two members for each issue, made up of professionals of recognized solvency in the field of the journal. In no case can an evaluator participate in a number of the journal as author. The Editorial Board will provide the evaluators with precise instructions for the evaluation of the articles, as well as the corresponding evaluation form. The reports of the evaluators will be anonymous. The editor of the journal, representing the Editorial Board, will notify the acceptation of the paper or send the authors a reasoned report when an article is rejected.
Scientific Committee
Vicente González (Universidad de Salamanca), Mercedes Arriaga (Universidad de Sevilla), Mª Dolores Valencia (Universidad de Granada), Victoriano Peña Sánchez (Universidad de Granada), Gemma López (Universidad de Barcelona), Salvatore Bartolotta (UNED), XU JINJING XU (Universidad de Salamanca), Teresa Inés Tejeda Martín (Universidad de Salamanca), Eva Muñoz (Universidad de Granada), Ana Luna (Universidade de Vigo), Luis Pegenaute (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Edwin Gentzler (University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Translation Center), Zappulla Muscarà (Università degli Studi di Catania), Adriana Crolla (Universidad Nacional del Litoral), Eduardo Coutinho (UFRJ), Chandra Mohan (Comparative Literature Association of India - New Delhi), Ada Boubara (Universidad ‘Aristóteles’ de Salónico), Marc Maufort (Université Libre de Bruxelles), João Ferreira Duarte (Universidade de Lisboa), Stéphane Michaud (Paris III- Sorbonne Nouvelle), Jüri Talvet (University of Tartu), Lieven D’Hulst (K.U. Leuven), Camilla Miglio (Università La Sapienza), Rubén González Vallejo (Universiità degli Studi di Macerata).
Fight against research misconduct: copying and plagiarism
The Code of Good Practices in force at the University of Barcelona is applied in transfer, as well as the COPE Core Practices.
Neither copying nor plagiarism or any kind of research misconduct will be tolerated under any circumstances. Their detection will be carried out in all papers submitted to transfer using specific computer programs (like URKUND), in compliance with the "Declaration of publishing ethics and best practices for scientific journals published by the University of Barcelona”. transfer will ask authors to declare both that the paper submitted is of their own and that they are the copyright owner of it (including images or graphics). In case of plagiarism, the author could state the situation making the relevant claims through the e-mail: cret@ub.edu
Code of Ethics for transfer
1) Duties of Authors:
- Originality and plagiarism: The author(s) of the manuscripts sent to transfer guarantee that the submitted work is original and that the manuscripts themselves neither contain extracts from other authors, nor contain other fragments from written works that were previously published (by the same authors). Furthermore, the authors confirm the veracity of the data, namely that the empirical data have not been altered to verify inicial hypotheses.
- Multiple Publications and /or repetitive: the author should not publish articles that repeat the same search results in more than a scientific journal. The simultaneous proposal of the same contribution to multiple scientific journals is to be considered ethically improper and reprehensible.
- List of sources: the author should always provide the correct indication of the sources and contributions mentioned in the article.
- Authorship: In terms of the authorship of the work, the authors guarantee that there is the inclusion of those individuals who have made a scientifically significant and intellectual contribution to the conceptualization and planning of the work, and have also made a contribution to the interpretation of the results and the actual writing of the article. At the same time, the authors have been hierarchically organized in accordance to their level of responsibility and their respective roles.
- Access and Retention: if the editors deem it appropriate, the authors of the articles should make available also the sources or the data on which research is based, so that they can be kept for a reasonable period of time after the publication and possibly make it accessible.
- Conflict of interest and disclosure: all authors are required to declare explicitly that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed. Authors must also indicate any research funding agencies and / or the project from which arise the article.
- Errors in published articles: when an author in her/his article identifies a significant error or inaccuracy, it shall promptly inform the journal editors and provide them with all the information required to list the relevant corrections on the bottom of the article itself.
- Responsibility: all the authors accept responsibility for what they have written. The authors pledge that they have revised the most up-to-date and relevant materials about the subject matter, thereby taking into account the dual nature of different currents of thought.
2) Duties of Reviewers:
- Contribution to the editorial decision: peer review is a procedure that helps editors to make decisions on the proposed articles and also allows the author to improve the contribution submitted for publication. The reviewers are committed to performing a critical, honest, constructive, and unbiased review of both the scientific and the literary quality of the written work, i.e. based on their individual skills and knowledge.
- Respect of time: the referee who does not feel adequate to the task proposed or who are not able to finish the evaluation of the proposed contribution in the scheduled time is required to promptly notify the coordinators. The reviewers are committed to evaluating the works in the minimum possible time so as to respect the stated deadlines.
- Confidentiality: each assigned reading manuscript should be considered as confidential. Therefore, these texts should not be discussed with other people without the explicit permission of the editors.
- Objectivity: the peer-review must be conducted in an objective manner. Any personal judgment about the authors of contributions is considered inappropriate. The referees are required to give adequate reasons for their judgments. The reviewers will submit a complete and critical report with adequate references according to transfer's review protocol and the established public norms for reviewers, especially if it suggested the rejection of the article. They are obliged, moreover, to advise the editors whether substantial sections of the work have been previously published, or if they are being revised by another publication.
- Text display: the referees undertake to accurately indicate the bibliographical references of fundamental works possibly neglected by the author. The referee must also report to the editors any similarities or overlaps between the text received and other works known to her/him.
- Conflict of interest and disclosure: confidential information or information obtained during the peer-review process must be considered confidential and may not be used for personal purposes. The referee shall not accept in reading articles for which there is a conflict of interest due to previous collaboration or competition with the author and /or her/his institution.
3) Duties of Editors:
- Decisions on publication: The editors ensure the selection of the most qualified reviewers and scientifically specialists to issue an expert and critical appreciation of the manuscript, with the least possible level of bias. transfer selects al least two reviewers for each manuscript so as to ensure a greater objectivity in the revision process.
- Honesty: the editors evaluate the articles submitted for publication only on the basis of the scientific merit of the content, without discrimination of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, nationality, political opinion of the authors.
- Confidentiality: the editors and members of the working group undertake not to disclose information relating to the articles submitted for publication to other people other than the author, the referees and the editor. Editors and the Editorial Committee are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of the manuscripts, their authors and their reviewers, in such a way that anonymity preserves the intellectual integrity of the whole process.
- Conflict of interest and disclosure: the editors undertake not to use in their research content of articles submitted for publication without the written consent of the author.
- Respect of time: The editors are responsible for compliance with the time limits for reviews and publication of accepted papers, to ensure rapid dissemination of its results. They reliably undertake to comply with the published deadlines. Also, manuscripts will not remain accepted in endless waiting lists without being published in the following issue.
Potential conflicts of interest
1) Editors should detect and avoid possible conflicts of interest:
- Interests that should be disclosed includes but are not limited to past and current employments and commitments in organisations or societies.
- A journal editor cannot supervise the editorial process of an article or an author which he/she has colliding conflicts of interest.
- If a conflict of interest is detected, journal editors would follow COPE guidelines and similar resolved cases about Conflicts of interest.
2) Authors should:
- declare explicitly that there are no conflicts of interest that may have influenced the results obtained or the interpretations proposed. Authors must also indicate the sources of funding received for their research (if any) in an explicit way in the article
3) Revisors should:
- not evaluate articles for which they may have a conflict of interest.
transfer is published by CRET (Consolidated Research Group on Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Barcelona).
The first issue of transfer was released in May 2006, coinciding with the 1st International Congress on Translation and Interculturality ("Translation and Cultural Exchange in the Age of Globalization", University of Barcelona, 16-19 May 2006). The journal publishes one volume each year (issues 1 and 2). Its periodicity was semi-annual in its first stage (2006-2010), and is annually in its second stage, since 2011. At present, the journal is released at the very beginning of the year, usually in January. Since 2021, transfer includes abstracts in Catalan, in compliance with the regulations of the University of Barcelona.
The journal is recognized as an electronic journal of the University of Barcelona and is indexed in several specialized national and international databases.