



Petrarch, Canzoniere, Sestina, Senhal, Poetic Translation


Of the 366 compositions that constitute Petrarch’s Canzoniere, the sestina which occupies number 239 has a series of characteristics that pose a real challenge for the poetic translator. Firstly, the sestina itself as a metrical form is characterised by totally rigid schemes based, sometimes, on the polysemy of the six rhyming words in the source language. In addition to this fact, which is common to all the compositions that use this stanza, in Rvf 239, the syntagma “l’aura”, which hides the Petrarchan senhal of the belove's name, appears in rhyming position.

Taking into account the procedures that Petrarch used to construct this senhal, i.e. the formation of a structure combining the singular definite article “l’” with the noun “aura”, I aim to study the four canonical translations of the Petrarchan Canzionere into Spanish (Jacobo Cortines), Catalan (Miquel Desclot), Galician (Xohán Cabana) and Portuguese (Vasco Graça Moura).

By comparing these four versions of the sestina Rvf 239, I will analyse how each translator has manipulated both the rhetorical component of the senhal and the multiple metrical difficulties involved in the use of the sestina as a stanza.


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