(Re) construction of historical memory: identity and urban re-valuation of the first Diagonal in Chile





Public Space, Reconstruction, Memory, Urban Landscape, Urban Regeneration


In the process of urban regeneration, the re-valuation of public space and the elements that configure it assume the potential in the regeneration process, integrating elements as the basis components in the consolidation of urban dynamics. Also, the contained memory of the city, understood as public inheritance, is a continuous and participatory process in which we construct the sense of belonging and place.
The (re) construction of historical memory of the Avenue Diagonal Pedro Aguirre Cerda, the first diagonal axis of Chile, has partly defined the structure of the landscape of the city of Concepcion, being a container of social, historical, and natural processes that accidentally occurred.
Unfortunate but ideal scenarios have been the successive earthquakes that have made our country a fertile ground for rethinking and materializing ideas. It is, in the post-1939 earthquake, when the reconstruction permitted revolutionary thoughts coming from modern Europe and that were materialized, with a privileged location in both the historical space and in the physical city.
The appearance of this axis, in the apposition of the foundational Damero’s plane, is an innovative project that breaks this historic urban trend, taking into Chile, and more specifically into Concepción, a chance to expound innovative ideas, aimed to change the urban landscape prevailing at that time.
In terms of spatial configuration, this diagonal axis is a superposition of historical layers in their development and materialization that has become a mass of history and that is still in development. In other words, it is dynamic and open, consolidating it periodically as an identity space city landscape, harmoniously uniting both the civic world represented by the square courts with the academics symbolized in the University of Concepción.
It is proposed to unravel and rescue the historical context that adds a value in the configuration and coordination of the various parties in relation to the on-going transformation and constitution of this urban piece and its constant identity re-evaluation in favor of the regeneration processes.

Author Biographies

Andrea Fernández-Covarrubias, Universidad de Concepción (UdeC)

Architect from the University of Bio Bio (Chile). Master in Urban Design, Art, City and Society and PhD in Public Space and Urban Regeneration from the University of Barcelona (Spain). Assistant professor in the Urban Planning Department at the University of Concepción (Concecpción, Chile) and director of the Magister in Sustainable Urban Processes (MAPRUS) of the Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Geography of the University of Concepción (Chile).

Emilio Reyes-Schade, Universidad de la Costa (CUC)

Chilean architect graduated from the University of Bio Bio (Chile). Master in Urban Design, Art, City and Society and PhD in Public Space and Urban Regeneration from the University of Barcelona (Spain). Associate profesor and researcher at the Universidad de la Costa (Barranquilla, Colombia). He is a collaborating professor at the José Simeón Cañas Central American University(El Salvador) and at the Master's program in Sustainable Urban Process (MAPRUS) at the University of Concepción (Chile)

Samuel E. Padilla-Llano, Universidad de la Costa (CUC)

Colombian architect from the National University of Colombia, Master in Urban Design from the University of Barcelona and Doctor in Public Space and Urban Regeneration from the University of Barcelona (Spain), with an International Mention from CESUR - Center for Urban and Regional Systems. Dean of the Department of Architecture and Design of the Universidad de la Costa (Colombia). Researcher of the Aruco CUC Group and the Technology and Technological Design Research Group (Tii). Editor of the journal Modulo Arquitectura CUC. Seed Leader in URBAN ACUPUNCTURE

Ayman Imam, King Abdulaziz University

Architect from Umm Al-qura University (Saudi Arabia). Master in Urban Design, Art, City and Society from the University of Barcelona (Spain). PhD in Urban Management and evaluation from the Polytechnic University of Catalunya (Spain). Assistant professor in the Urban and Regional Planning Departament (Faculty of Architecture and Planning) at King Abdul-Aziz University (Jeddah, Saudi Arabia). Expert in urban quality of life and Remote Sensing and Urban Renewal


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on the w@terfron vol 64 nr 9




How to Cite

Fernández-Covarrubias, Andrea, Emilio Reyes-Schade, Samuel E. Padilla-Llano, and Ayman Imam. 2022. “(Re) Construction of Historical Memory: Identity and Urban Re-Valuation of the First Diagonal in Chile”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 64 (9):3-29. https://doi.org/10.1344/waterfront2022.64.9.01.

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