Plastic Waste and Artistic Creation

A Case Study Model for Participatory Public Space Installations


  • Rosangela Aguilar Briceño Universitat Politècnica de València, Centro de investigación Arte y Entorno
  • Ana Tomás Miralles Universitat Politècnica de València, Departamento de Dibujo, Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno
  • Chele Esteve Sendra Universitat Politècnica de València, Departamento de Dibujo, Centro de Gestión de la Calidad y del Cambio



Plastic pollution, Plastic waste, Participatory public art, Upcycling, Objectuality, Social Transformation, Environmental Impact


The growing concern about pollution caused by petroleum-derived plastics represents one of the most pressing environmental challenges globally today. The widespread use of plastics in a wide range of products, combined with inadequate waste management, has led to massive accumulation of these materials in natural environments such as oceans, rivers, soils, and various ecosystems. This issue not only affects biodiversity and the quality of life for communities but also raises ethical and sustainability questions for present and future generations.

In this context of environmental urgency, it is necessary to explore and promote innovative and sustainable solutions that comprehensively address the plastics issue and foster a culture of reduction, reuse, and recycling. Within this framework, art emerges as a powerful tool capable of raising awareness, driving social and environmental transformation, and inspiring significant changes in individual and collective practices.

The article focuses on developing an evaluation model for Participatory Public Art that uses plastic waste as an artistic material. This approach, known as Upcycling or Supra-recycling, aims primarily at creatively reusing plastics in artistic creations. In addition to their aesthetic function, these artworks convey the intent of delivering education about sustainability, responsible consumption, and waste management. This study examines how art can be an effective tool in addressing global environmental challenges by transforming waste into artistic and educational resources.

To support and enrich this study, various theoretical currents and disciplines are employed, ranging from environmental sociology to social psychology and cultural ecology. Among the relevant theories and approaches are Stern et al.'s (2000) "Theory of values, norms, and beliefs towards the environment," which provides a conceptual framework for understanding how attitudes and behaviors toward the natural environment are constructed and transformed. Also considered is Mead's (1932) "Social psychology of objects," which explores the relationship between individuals, objects, and personal identity in the context of contemporary society. Furthermore, Thompson's (1979) "Theory of waste" is addressed, analyzing the evolution of the social value of objects, including waste, in the context of material culture and consumption.

The methodology proposed for evaluating these participatory art projects is based on a set of fundamental variables that cover aspects such as the degree of community participation in creating the artworks, the innovative selection and use of plastic materials, the environmental impact of artistic installations, integration with the urban or natural environment, as well as the thematic and symbolic message conveyed by the artworks to the audience.

This evaluation model not only seeks to assess the aesthetic and conceptual quality of the artworks but also their social, educational, and environmental impact. From a broader perspective, this approach of Participatory Public Art focused on creatively reusing plastic waste represents a unique opportunity to transform perceptions and practices related to waste and consumption in our society.

In summary, this article addresses the crucial role that art plays, especially when integrated into participatory projects that involve creatively reusing plastic waste. It examines how this approach can be fundamental in raising awareness, educating, and mobilizing society towards more sustainable and conscious practices. In addition to its impact in the artistic realm, this approach significantly contributes to building a culture of respect and care for the environment and natural resources.


Author Biographies

Rosangela Aguilar Briceño, Universitat Politècnica de València, Centro de investigación Arte y Entorno

Senior Research Technician belonging to the Art and Environment Research Center, Polytechnic University of Valencia. Cátedra Planeta SDG 14 2023 Award. He develops his research in contemporary Drawing and Graphics within the project BIOPLÁSTIC GRAPHICS: TECHNICAL TRANSVERSALITY FOR A SUSTAINABLE MULTIPLE REPRODUCTION MODEL. Financed by the Generalitat Valenciana and the European Social Fund.

Ana Tomás Miralles, Universitat Politècnica de València, Departamento de Dibujo, Centro de Investigación Arte y Entorno

Doctor TEU, at the BBAA Faculty, Polytechnic University of Valencia. She has been awarded in Research Projects from Public Calls and in Excellent Research Track Record. She develops programs (such as INNOVA), research in the “Grafotserxil” R&D work group, around the graphic-plastic language of multiple image reproduction, directing the line of research: “Transition from the polyptych to the artist's book. Graphic work".

Chele Esteve Sendra, Universitat Politècnica de València, Departamento de Dibujo, Centro de Gestión de la Calidad y del Cambio

International PhD in Industrial Design from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, with a Master of Arts in Industrial Design from the University of Central England. She is a teacher at the E.T.S. of Design Engineering and the Faculty of Fine Arts (UPV). She is a researcher in sustainable design, social innovation and crafts. She directs the DicaTIC Chairs and collaborates in international projects and globally recognized exhibitions. She is a member of various research networks and art associations. She has extensive international experience in exhibitions and collaborations with specialized media.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Briceño, Rosangela, Ana Tomás Miralles, and Chele Esteve Sendra. 2024. “Plastic Waste and Artistic Creation: A Case Study Model for Participatory Public Space Installations”. on the w@terfront. Public Art.Urban Design.Civic Participation.Urban Regeneration 66 (1).