Peer tutorial as a tool to improve learning in Higher Education


  • Lidia Daza-Pérez Universitat de Barcelona



Tutoria entre iguals, participació, aprenentatge


The article presents the peer tutorial program that starts in 2009-2010 course in the framework for Tutorial Action Program at the Economy and Business Faculty, and a part of the results that we got in the assessment process. The incorporation of the fellow tutor into the tutorial policy at the faculty have as a main objective to increase motivation and learning of students from higher courses, involving them in extracurricular activities related to the studies. The study wanted to know what impact has to participate as a fellow tutor on the formation process, through a group discussion technique and a questionnaire. The results show that peer tutoring has effects on student’s learning, benefiting fellow students from attaining communicative competences and gaining access to university resources unknown until now.

Author Biography

Lidia Daza-Pérez, Universitat de Barcelona

Coordinadora del Pla d'Acció Tutorial Ciències Empresarials Ensenyaments de la Fac. d'Economia i Empresa Dept. Sociologia i Anàlisi de les Organitzacions


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How to Cite

Daza-Pérez, L. (2011). Peer tutorial as a tool to improve learning in Higher Education. REIRE Revista d’Innovació I Recerca En Educació, 4(1), 43–61.



Innovation articles