Enter into relation and learn together from the decolonization of the bodies
Body, Corporeality, Performative actions, Education, ExperienceAbstract
This paper comes from the experience that has meant me to share and to research with art teachers in formation at a public university in Chile, during my fieldwork. This stage seeks to know, through a process of continuous reflection and from the experiences of the subjects, how they are building their corporeality and performative actions from the various practices and pedagogical discourses around the body that are used in their educational process. For this, there was carried out a collective case study, which consisted with the presence of eight students between 20 and 27 years old. From there, this paper proposes open spaces for student voice and small narratives, to build from there, knowledge in relation, that help to rethink the presence of the body in formal education and educational practices. Opening territories from other ways of understanding the pedagogical practices from the body, understood as a space of experience and where to build knowledge. Accepting and respecting the subjectivities of the subjects to propagate in the young a leading role front their formation process. And finally, make visible the invisible into education.References
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