Learning styles according to Honey and Mumford and the relationship between learning styles and teaching strategies in the study of Mathematics
Learning styles, Teaching strategies, Mathematics learning, Variance analysis, Learning profile, Teacher attitudesAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The development of mathematical concepts at different levels of education has generated interest in the educational community of Ecuador. This paper reports on a study that explored the relationship between learning styles and teaching strategies in the teaching and learning of mathematics. The study used an approach developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford to examine student learning styles and the strategies most commonly used by teachers of Ecuador’s General Unified Baccalaureate, BGU. These included: reflection on learning, problem-based learning, problem solving and visual learning strategies like graphic organisers. METHOD: The study combined correlational and causal methods of research. A stratified sample of 387 students from the Juan Pío Montúfar National School of Quito completed two questionnaires: the Honey-Alonso Questionnaire on Learning Styles, or CHAEA and Teaching Strategies. RESULTS: The analysis of the primary data in the questionnaires, which was on learning styles and teaching strategies, allowed the researchers to confirm some of their hypotheses. DISCUSSION: Learning styles are value-neutral; and no one style is better than another, styles can be combined and, at the same time, used flexibly. In addition, not all teaching strategies suit all learning styles.References
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