About the Journal

Focus and Scope

RIDU, Revista d’Innovació Docent Universitària, is an electronic publication that is published annually in January.

The main objective to be achieved by RIDU is to present to the University community new experiences, both in research and in innovation, taking place within the university teaching. This objective is not limited to the Spanish area but RIDU is open to contributions from all over the world.

Sometimes the experiences mentioned are more practical than theoretical, and RIDU wishes to open the door for these actions to find a place in the review, as experiences in teaching innovation originating within specific subjects are often adaptable to other disciplines that might seem unrelated. For this reason, the journal is open to publishing innovative works that refer to any educational discipline, always within the university.

Ridu is mainly addressed to scholars teaching at the university and researchers in the field of teaching innovation.

At the same time, RIDU also wishes that some of its articles can bring new resources to support teaching, mainly those who have an innovative component and preferably a practical nature.

To fulfill these objectives, RIDU will preferentially publish papers related to the following topics:

  • Unpublished research applied to university teaching.
  • Experiences in teaching innovation at the university level.
  • Innovative experiences with educational materials.

Peer Review Process

All articles are subjected to a confidential and anonymous peer review system (double-blind peer review) with a minimum of two external evaluations from the journal. In specific and necessary situations, the scientific expertise of a member of the Editorial and Scientific Committee will be utilized. The evaluation will not be carried out by researchers from the author's affiliated institution under any circumstances.

For a paper to be admitted in the review process it must be sent following the formal submission requirements.

Keep in mind that the review will only accept those papers related to its topic: innovation and improvement of university teaching. For the peer reviewing, the following procedure will be used:

Admission: Reception of the paper. Written confirmation to the author that the paper has been received. Preliminary analysis by the editorial board to verify that the paper meets the conditions relating to the subject matter and presentation. If the paper is not accepted, the author will be informed.

Evaluation: Once the paper has been admitted, it will enter a second phase in which it will be evaluated by at least two external experts (double blind peer review). This assessment will be made using a specific form. This form allows the reviewer to make suggestions, indicating also if there is a need to rewrite or improve any part or the entire article. If necessary, a submission of a new version will be required. Once the referees have analyzed the article, they prepare a review report that will be studied by the scientific and editorial board.

Resolution: Based on the reports elaborated by referees, the editorial board will determine whether or not the paper is to be published. In this sense, the editorial board can take three different steps:

  1. To publish the paper in its original version, that is, as it has been received; and so will be reported to the authors.
  2. To suggest to the authors modifications based on suggestions by the reviewers and give the authors specific indications for submission of a new version, if necessary.
  3. Not to publish the paper and inform, with arguments justifying the non-publication of the paper, the author(s).

No later than three months after receipt of the article, the editorial decision will be communicated, stating whether the article has been accepted, rejected or whether a revision has been requested.

RIDU guarantees, throughout this process, the privacy and confidentiality of both the content of the reports resulting from the evaluation, and the original submitted.

The reception of a paper does not imply its publication but, as mentioned, it will go through an evaluation.

Open Access Policy

Revista d’Innovació Docent Universitària takes advantage of the possibilities offered by the RCUB platform and which allows free access to the content of the papers. The principle of this policy is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and give access to the research.

All contents included in the Revista d’Innovació Docent Universitària are subject to a license "Reconocimiento Creative Commons 4.0 España", which allows the reproduction, distribution and public communication as long as the author and the review are mentioned.

Creative Commons License


Participation process

Papers should discuss some of the issues to which the review is aimed and must abide by the review style guidelines provided.

Articles will have to go through a review process and selection.

  1. Papers must be original and unpublished. In this regard, they must contribute with ideas, actions or innovative subjects.
  2. Texts can be written in Catalan, Spanish or English. In all cases, a brief summary in each of the three languages mentioned must be also submitted.
  3. Manuscripts must be written according to the style guidelines provided. These indications can be consulted to guide for writing. At the same time, it is essential that the articles are not only correctly written, but with the quality and rigor that any university text must have.
  4. Methodological consistency is also required.

Declaration of publishing ethics and best practices

RIDU subscribe the Declaration of publishing ethics and best practices for scientific journals published by the University of Barcelona.

The University of Barcelona promotes the open access publication of digital journals and endeavours to guarantee quality and conscientiousness in the transfer of scientific knowledge. The University is committed to ensuring that the articles it publishes and the publishing process itself observe the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is therefore essential that all of the stakeholders in this process—journal editors, reviewers, technical editors and authors—know and act according to the Code.

  • Journal editors should:

- ensure that the decision to publish is not dependent on the author’s race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic origin, country of origin, citizenship or political persuasion;

- publish regular updates on the responsibilities of authors, submission requirements, the arbitration system used to select the articles and the evaluation criteria to be applied by reviewers;

- publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed and not make use of any article received for UB-specific research assignments without the author’s consent;

- guarantee confidentiality during the review process, meaning (a) the anonymity of reviewers and authors and the confidentiality of the content of the articles, the reports submitted by reviewers and any other type of correspondence with or between the editorial, consultant and scientific committees and (b) confidentiality in the correspondence between the author and the journal committees or reviewers when the author wishes to clarify, change or complain about some aspect of the article;

- make certain that the integrity of articles already published is respected;

- act swiftly to eliminate from the journal or refuse to publish any article that has been found to plagiarise information from other sources. To detect possible issues, when a manuscript is submitted to the journal, it will be checked using URKUND before being considered for peer review.

  • Authors should:

- understand that they are responsible for all submitted content;

- notify the journal editors of any errors in their published articles so that the appropriate corrections can be made;.

- guarantee that the article and associated materials are original and do not infringe on the rights of third-party authors and, when there are co-authors, guarantee that the consent of all the authors is obtained before the article goes to press.

  • Reviewers and technical editors should:

- apply revisions that are objective, informed, critical, constructive and unbiased, where acceptance or rejection is based only on the work’s relevance, originality, interest to the public in question and compliance with the style and content regulations in the evaluation criteria;

- meet deadlines when this is possible and promptly inform the journal editor when it is not;

- avoid sharing, spreading or reproducing any information from articles still under review without permission from the corresponding journal editors or authors.