A pilot experience in the implementation of English in the Tourism and Business Studies at the University of Córdoba





English, Tourism, Business, Moodle


The knowledge of the English language is essential in any university degree, especially in Tourism and Business Studies. During courses 2007-08 and 2008-2009 we have carried out a pilot experience in several subjects of both degrees in order that students understand the importance of English as a basic element in their professional future. We have used the platform Moodle to design an experience where the student has developed different activities classified in several learning levels. The objective is that step by step they acquire, assimilate and define in English the most important concepts related to the academic contents of their subjects.


Moodle (2006) http://moodle.com. Página de inicio de la plataforma de e-learning de fuente abierta “Moodle”, desarrollada por Martín Dougiamas como trabajo de Tesis doctoral.

Pavón Vázquez, V. (2007) La implantación de la enseñanza plurilingüe en Andalucía. Hacia una nueva propuesta metodológica y curricular. Revista Opiniones, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Junta de Andalucía, pp. 45-60.

Ventura Soto, S. (2004) Tecnologías cliente-servidor para la presentación de recursos didácticos a través del web: Análisis e incorporación al sistema de créditos ECTS en la UCO. Memoria final del proyecto de mejora de la calidad docente.




