Experience of educational innovation in individualized tutorisation on Business Mathematics, using the web





One-to-one tutoring, Mathematics, Virtual environment


In this article we present an experience of educational innovation in individualized tutorisation. This experience was realized in the subject of Introduction to Economical and Managerial mathematics in the studies of Managerial Sciences in Barcelona University along the course 2006-2007. The subject is a six months subject of six credits and of free-election, and is given during the first semester of every academic year. This project registers inside the new educational approaches proposed in the European Credit Transfer System. This supposes the adoption of new pedagogic methods that place inside the teaching in the new educational environment. Our educational experience in the subjects of Mathematics Applied to the social sciences in the studies of Managerial Sciences in Barcelona University, allow us to state that the participation of the pupils in the tutorship’s is low, and that produces a decrease in the assistance to class as the course advances. This generates that the students leave the subject before finishing the course, they do not present to the exams and their academic yield is insufficient. This context motivated an attempt of redesign the tutorship’s system. We constructed a virtual space of tutorization and this virtual space was proved with a random sample of 50 pupils. The results of the pilot experience of tutorship’s indicate a clear improvement of the previous situations. Nowadays, we are analyzing the viability of this project in large groups.


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