Learning to learn: an experience with the Wiki activity and the Workshop tool in Moodle





Cooperative learning, Higher education, Learning-to-learn competence, Management and public administration, Pedagogical design, Peer feedback


To stimulate and to promote self-regulated learning, autonomous learning, and learning-to-learn competence is one of the great challenges of higher education. Peer feedback can be a strategy that contributes to self-regulation, but this requires pedagogical designs that allow students to participate and understand how to improve their learning processes. It is considered that the use of strategies such as cooperative learning by the student himself can support the learning processes.

The purpose of the contribution is to present two formative assessment activities that were proposed to students of Political Economy in one group of the degree of Management and Public Administration (Faculty of Law, University of Barcelona) in the 2020-2021 academic year. These activities were designed within the framework of the R&D project “Analysis of the effects of the provision of feedback supported by digital monitoring technologies on transversal competencies” (ref. PID2019-104285GB-I00). These activities aimed to create a learning environment in which students had to work cooperatively, on the one hand, and provide peer feedback in order to improve the quality of their task, on the other.

First of all, this paper introduces some relevant theoretical contributions related to the benefits of feedback on learning processes. Secondly, it gives detailed information about the design of these activities, with the technological tools used and the support materials that were developed to guide the students who participated in this experience. To conclude, some reflections on the development and results of the experience are provided according to the opportunities and limitations found during its implementation.


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