Analysis of socioeducational reports as a professionalizing learning experience in the degree of Social Education




Social Education, Socio-educational report, Professional exercise, Professionalizing activity


An academic activity is presented in a subject of the Degree of Social Education which is based on the analysis of socio-educational reports (SER) carried out during the 2020-2021 academic year. The main objective is to promote professional skills in Social Education according to the current curriculum of offering competent academic training oriented towards professional practice. This activity serves to respond to the lack of professionalizing experiences related to the exercise of writing and analyzing SERs. The article begins with an up-to-date theoretical and conceptual review of the concept and importance of the socio-educational report and its implications at a professional level, to then set out the planning of the experience (context, target persons, the description of the own teaching experience in terms of objectives, phases of development, teaching resources and assessment). Based on various reflections collected from the activity by the students, this is positively evaluated as it has allowed to acquire a professional vision of the SER, based on the analysis of linguistic and writing aspects, structure and of organization, as well as ethics related to the treatment of personal data, and critical theoretical reflection on the implications of working with social reports.


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