Emotional skills for the development of learning to learn competence
Emotional education, Emotional skills, Learning to learn competence, Methodologies, DimensionsAbstract
Throughout the last decade, educational research has highlighted the importance of developing emotional skills in the academic environment, at all educational levels. The fact that the student possess intrapersonal and interpersonal skills favors the development of the Learning to Learn (LTL) competence, called key competence, as well as promotes a society with greater potential.
The general objective of this study is to find out the degree of acquisition of different skills that are collected among the five dimensions that make up the LTL competence: cognitive, metacognitive, affective/motivational, social/relational and ethical according to Gargallo-López et al. (2020). For this, the CECAPEU questionnaire has been supplied during the 2022-2023 academic year among a sample of 80 students of the degree in pedagogy from the University of Valencia. The results of this affect the need to further develop the social/relational dimension, where emotional skills could be studied.
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