Learning ability and responsibility. The use of indicators for measuring soft skills
Soft skills, Indicator, Learning ability, Responsibility, Higher educationAbstract
The objective of this work is to evaluate quantitatively the perception of university students regarding their learning ability and responsibility, a cross-cutting competence at the University of Barcelona (UB). To this end, we develop a methodology based on self-awareness in the learning process. Specifically, such a methodology is based on two surveys (one at the beginning of the course and another at the end), designed to measure students’ perception of their own learning and responsibility competence at the beginning and the degree of fulfilment of their initial expectations at the end of the course. The study was carried out on a sample of more than 1,500 first-year university students during two courses (2019-2021). This specific cohort was selected because many studies have identified the first year as a key moment regarding continuity and success at the University. Our results indicate that the initial expectations of students are above the activity they develop throughout a course. Students get aware of this fact by participating in the assessment process, as they realise that they have not fulfilled what they had proposed at the beginning. A longitudinal study with this sort of indicators would make it possible to identify and address learning difficulties earlier, as well as evaluating the impact of using different measures to prevent dropout.
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