Digital leadership in education: a review of the last 50 years




Digital Leadership, Technology, Education, Professional Development


Educational leadership and technological adoption have been topics of growing interest, reflecting a trend toward the integration of advanced technologies in the educational field. According to UNESCO (2021), 70% of school principals in developed countries consider training in technological leadership essential to improving educational quality. In Latin America, only 35% of schools have training programs in technological leadership, although countries like Chile and Uruguay are at the forefront. This research aims to analyze the influence of digital leadership on the adoption of new educational technologies in schools. The specific objectives of the research are: to understand the current state of articles related to digital leadership, to identify the challenges and opportunities that digital technology presents in the educational field, and to evaluate the relationship between digital leadership practices and the rate of adoption of new educational technologies in schools. The findings indicate that training in technological leadership is crucial to improving educational quality, and schools with leaders who promote technological adoption are 30% more likely to improve their academic results. In Spain, participation in digital literacy programs has increased significantly, and the use of emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, is on the rise. The relationship between digital leadership and academic outcomes is evident, and greater investment in professional development programs and the promotion of a culture of technological innovation can significantly increase the chances of successful implementation of new digital tools.


Author Biography

Aurelio Villa Sánchez, Universidad de Deusto

Doctor, en pedagogía, Catedrático emérito de la Universidad de Deusto en la que fue Vicerrector de Innovación, Calidad e Investigación y director del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación. Fundador y presidente del Foro Internacional de Innovación Universitaria. Autor y coautor de más de 90 publicaciones, entre las que se destacan Las Universidades como generadoras de la innovación y aprendizaje basado en competencias, Avances en la innovación universitaria entre otras. Denominación del proyecto: La dirección de centros educativos en diferentes países europeos Entidad de realización: Gobierno Vasco, Investigador/es responsable. Actualmente es presidente de la Fundación Horrêum y director del Doctorado en Docencia Universitaria de la Universidad Superior de Guadalajara Como investigador ha obtenido 5 sexenios concedidos por el Comité Asesor de la Comisión Nacional Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora


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