Feedback - teaching and assistance. Study on burnout in mental health nurses as strategy innovation and quality teaching


  • Mª Pilar Sabater Mateu University of Barcelona
  • Eva Garrido Aguilar University of Barcelona
  • Montserrat Puig-Llobet University of Barcelona
  • Mª Carmen Vilchez Estevez University of Barcelona
  • Antonio Moreno Jiménez Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Addiccions (INAD) del Parc de Salut Mar de Barcelona.
  • Jordi Coletas Juanico Institut de Neuropsiquiatria i Addiccions (INAD) del Parc de Salut Mar de Barcelona.



Burnout Syndrome, Mental Health Nursing, Maslach Burnout Inventory.


To teach an elective course on the newly created burnout for the Degree of Nursing at the University of Barcelona in 2009-2010, it was on vocational guidance attributed by the European Higher Education Degree studies and this issue was identified as required training to be considered a vulnerability highlighted in the daily nursing, among other helping professions.

The shortage of nurses localized publications on educational background in this area, along with the diversity of results in the studies found, oriented the convenience and interest of starting a line of research with an empirical study. They try to explore that part of reality in mental health care nurses, whose discipline addresses the management of stress and therefore the aforementioned burnout syndrome. Research strategies were:

Objectives . Identify whether nurses who provide care in a mental health service involvement have burnout. Establishing relationships of these results, the strategies that these nurses report using to cope with negative emotions they attach to their work.

Subjects and methods. A descriptive, cross- correlation study and 73 nurses working in the Institute of Neuropsychiatry i Addiccions ( INAD ) Parc de Salut Mar in Barcelona in 2011 in hospital and primary care. We used the inventory of Maslach Burnout Inventory ( MBI ) supplemented with sociodemographic and health variables, as well as an open question.

Results. The 2.7 % of nurses have burnout, noting nonetheless reduced personal accomplishment in the study sample overall, plus a medium level of depersonalization. Women show greater emotional exhaustion, also the staff on permanent contracts and those who have been removed in the last two years. They observed lower personal accomplishment in nurses working in hospital in connection with providing services in community care.  No other significant relationship was found with respect to other sociodemographic variables. These nurses use strategies to reduce stress, however there is a lack of training and support to manage it.

Conclusion. Qualitative studies are needed to identify the needs of nurses working in mental health in relation to stress management. Experimental studies are also needed to test the effectiveness of interventions used to reduce stress. The specific and practical approach to this issue in the formation of Degree, could help these professionals to identify, manage and reduce avoidable stress at work, which otherwise may lead to chronicity, causing demotivation and absenteeism among other pathologies related to job performance.

Author Biographies

Eva Garrido Aguilar, University of Barcelona

Departamento Enfermería de Salud Pública, Salud Mental y Materno-InfantilEscuela de Enfermería.

Montserrat Puig-Llobet, University of Barcelona

Universitat de Barcelona (UB)

08907-Hospitalet de Llobregat Barcelona


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