Analysis of perceptions of competences acquired in virtual learning environments: The case of the business plans of the UOC


  • Enric Serradell-López Estudis d’Economia i Empresa Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Raquel Ferreras i Garcia Universitat Oberta de Catalunya



Competences, Business plans, Teaching methods, Learning, Distance education,


With the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) universities have had to evolve its pedagogical model, adapting it to the education of students based in  competences. The introduction of the learning processes by competences has led to an adaptation of all subjects in an evaluation system based on this new model. This is the case of the Final Project Degree in Business Administration at the Open University of Catalonia, in its specialty of entrepreneurship and business plan.

The aim of this study is to describe the competences achieved during the realization of the Final Project Degree in Business Administration in the specialty of entrepreneurship and business plan. In order to analyze these effects we present empirical work to know what roles play business plans in achieving competences. In this sense we use data from questionnaires distributed to students in the Bachelor of Business Administration from the UOC.


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