Structure proposal for engineering education Case: corrosion


  • Myriam Moreno Amado Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas



Corrosion, Self-learning, Learning structure.


In the present work, the search engines for information (Google) and videos (Youtube) are used to select the first websites that explain the concept of corrosion. It is intended to analyze the information found to determine consensus and identify words that help to develop a constructive proposal of structure for inclusive education in engineering. The present work is a proposal for improvement and adjustment to new forms of information dissemination and communication. This work arises after detecting, in current students, an increase in their conceptual flaws and difficulties in understanding different topics that are developed in courses related to chemistry, physicochemistry and chemical processes.


It was found that in the communication sites and textbooks there are different terms to define the concept of corrosion, and some of these are considered, by beginners, as basic, not knowing that a very broad conceptual background in physics, chemistry, physicochemistry and electrochemistry. A simple teaching structure is proposed in order to reorganize the information that will be disseminated in the media, a resource that, in addition to students in formal education, are using for individuals who for some reason abandoned their training process or those who are in adulthood they enter for the first time a formative process and they are interested in learning these topics, called “hard”.

Author Biography

Myriam Moreno Amado, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas

Ingeniera Química, Magister en docencia de la Química -  Estudiante Doctorado en Ingeniería-ciencia y tecnología de materiales. Docente procesos químicos y termodinámica


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