Art and Education: Installations in the Early Childhood classroom
Artistic installation, Early childhood education, Symbolic play, Spaces, Art.Abstract
The present paper includes the need to incorporate art and, more specifically, artistic installations into the classroom of Early Childhood Education as resources or learning tools. The objectives are to know the concept of installation, its origin and characteristics in the art world, as well as its relationship with the educational field (pedagogical value, roles, potential, etc.). Likewise, a case study is made to Paloma Garcia, a teacher of Early Childhood Education whose educational practice is based on the use of contemporary art installations. This study will favor and promote the last section of this work: the preparation of a proposal and its implementation in a classroom of Early Childhood Education of a school in Santander. All of this will allow seeing the pedagogical value of the installations, their innovative nature, their benefits in the teaching-learning process and other beneficial aspects for education.References
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