Analysis of Augmented Reality applications for the practice of future teachers with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder




Higher Education, Teaching, Applications, Augmented Reality (AR), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)


One of the methods that is best responding to the current demands of education is the introduction of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In this line, future teachers of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education Teachers must know what Augmented Reality is, one of the most novel trends due to the diversity of applications that develop different content areas. The main characteristic of this tool is that it allows access to information on the reality of the world and makes digital data available to society in real time. On the other hand, due to the increase of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and taking into account its high prevalence in school classrooms and its heterogeneity, there is a notorious difficulty to get the educational interventions right. In this sense, this study aims to conduct a review of applications of Augmented Reality that are favorable to the development of competence in the intervention with students who have ASD, which later, and according to the context in which to work, will serve to select the most appropriate application. This work is part of the line of research of the research group of the University of Alicante IncluTic (VIRGROB-321).


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