Report of the innovation learning unit for English teaching and learning process in primary school: “Lets clean my school”


  • Alicia Sola Prado Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE)
  • Junior Stalin Suárez Baque UNAE
  • Evelin Jadira Rebutti Jaramillo UNAE



Educative innovation, Participatory action research, L2 teaching and learning, Oral interaction, Task-based


Within the framework of the Project of Innovation in the Teaching of Oral Interaction of Non-native Languages of the UNAE (National University of Education of Ecuador), a pilot experience is designed, implemented and evaluated by a pedagogical pair of 6th cycle students in pre-professional teaching practices for the teaching of ELE in general basic education.

This experience, with a participatory action research approach, is designed according to the project's methodological lines, which mainly highlight the importance oral language and strategic competence in the process of learning, through task-based and the oral approach; with activities that promote peer interaction for the development of communication skills. These activities are framed in the institutional principles of Good Living (Constitutional ‘Buen Vivir’), that guide  the pedagogical model of UNAE.

The didactic sequence is implemented in the educational institution of basic education Daniel Córdova Toral: a rural institution of the parish of Zhullín, that at the time of the practices of the students did not have a teacher specialized in the subject of English.

Author Biographies

Alicia Sola Prado, Universidad Nacional de Educación (UNAE)

Docente Investigadora de la UNAE

Coord. Proyecto de innovación didáctica de la interacción oral de lenguas no maternas 

Junior Stalin Suárez Baque, UNAE

Estudiante de la carrera de Educación Básica e integrante del grupo de innovación en la didáctica de la interacción oral de lenguas no maternas (DIOR)

Evelin Jadira Rebutti Jaramillo, UNAE

Estudiante de la carrera de Educación Básica


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Constitución de la República del Ecuador (2008). Registro oficial 449, 20 de octubre de 2008. Ecuador.

Modelo pedagógico de la UNAE (2017): Azogues, Cuenca.

Plan de Desarrollo y Ordenamiento Territorial (PDyOT) (2015): SENPLADES. Quito

Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir 2009-2013. (2009): SENPLADES. Quito



